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i finished the game and the ending made me very confused, im not sure if im really done please can someone confirm if theres nothing more to do or if theres a bigger deeper secret?

Thanks for playing my game, I hope you enjoyed it!

There are alternate endings, but no secrets after those

what is the solution for the frequency puzzle? it seems so easy just count how many and order by frequency like how it shows in the diagram on the bottom, but when i try to put "pscale" (whatever that means) it does not work, i also tried "scale" and "places" wich were the only other words that made sense. the hints just make it seem like my original solution was right, but it doesnt work, is it bugged?

It looks like you're missing a U

The answer is 7 letters, you're missing a single letter hidden in there. Go over them carefully, one at a time, that might help

This game was absolutely AMAZING. If you're looking for a similar type of game with codes and passwords I recommend trying The Guides. (I think it's only on mobile though.)

thanks for playing my game, i'm glad you enjoyed it!

This game is absolutely awesome, I actually forget when I played such a great colection of puzzles connected by a storyline. Clean and entertaining!

One question though: where is save file located? I want to move it from one PC to another

thanks for playing my game, i'm glad you enjoyed it!

the save data can be found in AppData\LocalLow\Chaotica. it's called "Kryptic.dat"

This game is awesome. I don't think I've played anything quite like it and I really loved it.

I'm glad you enjoyed my game! thanks for playing

I saw Icely start playing through this game and then began playing through it myself.

I absolutely love the game and even though I'm not finished I already really badly want a sequel.

Right now there's 1 specific puzzle that I'm completely stuck on in the Yellow Corner , O---T.

I've used all 3 hints but I've still had no luck with it... The only letters that seem to stick together are all wrong and I'm unsure of what else to try or do. Could I perhaps have some more explicit help?

first off, thanks for playing the game, i'm glad you're enjoying it

as for the puzzle you're stuck on, it's a 4 letter answer. perhaps that'll help, given what's seen in the puzzle

Thank you so much for the additional help, but I've honestly tried so many different 4 letter words that could've lined up that I began trying 8 letter words... I'm shocked I haven't brute forced the answer by now honestly.

The only solution I saw according to the 3rd hint "SWAY" but that was wrong.

Is it possible for you to give me another hint?

Two of the orbitals are filled with red herrings. Instead of going from side to middle, try going side to side, that should unlock the right answer for you

(1 edit) (+1)

I- Oh my goodness I feel so stupid now, I have no idea how I didn't think about that at all until now

I got it immediately after I saw that you sent this, thank you so much!

marvelous game

i particularly liked how the cryptography and puzzle game elements had a background layer of unique sci-fi storytelling through company emails

i will absolutely pay for a sequel/spinoff if ever released

thanks for playing my game, and i'm glad you enjoyed it!

wellp 90 minutes in i'm still stuck on the 2nd puzzle lol. I got the hints, no idea what i'm missing. Amazing game tho, i'm totally hooked and will NEVER beat it :)

I'm sure you'll be able to make it through, don't give up!

Im genuinely stumped on the  all of the puzzles relating to wires as well as wires, am I just really dumb or something 😭😭😭

hi! first off, i hope you're enjoying the game!

as for those symbols, you most likely don't have enough information to complete it. the game is non-linear, and some puzzles available earlier can only be solved with information from later puzzles

Loved the game, got hooked enough to finish it in two afternoons. Trying to 100% now, hard stuck on Trace. Used all three hints on that one and did all combinations of tricks I could think of. Would like some more explicit help 😅

Replying to this comment just to say that I’m stuck on the exact same Puzzle (even with all 3 of the hints)

Amazing game btw, had me hooked since I first learned played it!

There are no ciphers needed, use the second hint directly with the third

I'm glad you enjoyed the game! I'm impressed that you managed to complete it without solving all the puzzles in your first playthrough!

As for the puzzle you're stuck on, perhaps counting characters in the username would help

Thanks, although I only had to fill in a few blanks and I happened to see what answer it could be. 

I have counted the characters as the final hint suggested and tried to do all kinds of things with them. Used the alphabet cypher tool, viginere, caesar, summed it all and tried to enter that, returned to a puzzle related to the sum but nothing seems to spit out anything of use. Am I misinterpreting the hints?

Yeah Also finished the game with 98% but stuck on trace. Used all 3 hints, counted characters and letters Caesar cyphered a bunch but not finding anything.

You don't need any tools to solve that puzzle. i'll tell you that the answer is 10 letters long.

given there's 10 names, maybe that'll help you out

I just managed to do it with the 10 letters hint. Really overcomplicated it for myself huh 😅. Finished the game right afterwards, it was great!

Only thing that keeps me wondering is why pressing DEL when starting the game doesn't seem to do anything...

oh, that's just a joke. the entire intro sequence is based on how old computers boot up

Does the youtube error "This video is not available anymore" mean that the video was deleted?

Just asking to see if i went down the wrong path for the puzzle or the video is gone

The game doesn't rely on any YouTube videos for solutions, so you've most likely accidentally interpreted a base 64 string as a YouTube URL.

The game is intended to be solved with basic knowledge and some logical leaps, and perhaps only a couple of instances of looking up the name of something. Hope that helps!

Cheers mate! I guess the Base64 string was about the length of a usual YT link.... Didn't help i had tunnel vision ;-;

Good to know that I won't need to look stuff up much though!

Ashamed to say I got roadblocked on M-----y, I used all three of my hints for it to basically say "have better eyes". It wasn't clear enough to me that I could interact with it by clicking on it.

I think we should make a game together.

This is such a fun game! Took me a while to finish, but every puzzle was a masterpiece!

god dam, wish this was steam so it could get more eyes on it

I'm glad you're enjoying the game!

As for why it's not on steam, there is a developer fee of $100, which I didn't have at the time. I might try and get it listed in the future

I tried contacting you with your personal website's "Contact", but i was stopped by that foolish authentication of whether i'm a human.

So here's my question: 

(walked-through spoiler alert)

Why "infiltrate"?

I see the 1st and the 4th also the 6th and the 9 th letter in "infiltrate" are the same.

That does match BrsBp and GkeGx.

But how it comes to this??

I know it's "infiltrate" from Kriptic Walkthrough.

I did not solve it myself.

first off, thanks for playing my game, and i hope you're enjoying it

now, regarding the authentication on my website, that's because i had been receiving way too many spam emails from bots saying they can improve my website for a fee, so blame them.

as for the puzzle itself, given there are a number of players going through the game and posting here, i can't really spell it out here, or give too many key details that would ruin it for others. if you do try to go through my website again, i'd be happy to explain how it works in more detail there, instead of having to rely on thinly hidden coded messages

Nah still being refused.

I give up.

Also I'm enjoying it though it's hard for me to actually communicate stuffs in the game.

(1 edit)

Do you happen to have Discord? If so, feel free to shoot me a friend request and DM me, and I'll be able to help you out there. Just look for "Fox Chaotica"

I do, but I can't find you.


Sorry, mistake on my part, I added a space in my username when there isn't one

Great games, tons of  good puzzles, i think my favourite one was PICROSS or NUMERALS

My only minor annoyances are:
there being two hexagon keys and no pentagon one
the part at the end (link to avoid spoilers)

first off, thanks for playing, i'm glad you enjoyed it

as for those two occurences, quite simply one is a mistake, and the other is me not being aware at the time that there's a specific function in unity that allows for that

I don't play many games on but I've thoroughly enjoyed this one, with a total of 27 hints used by the end, most of which were from me overthinking a puzzle haha

I'm really happy you enjoyed it! Thanks for playing!

I am stuck on the "Evolve" Puzzle. I'm lost on what I need to do.

Try looking carefully at how each letter changes from line to line

I figured it out! Thanks!

I'm noticing something weird with some of the puzzles, i'm not sure if it's intentional or to make the playtime of the game longer but there's quite a bit of puzzles where there's times where you have to brute force it to even get the answer to them. 'expand' and 'rotate' have this problem specifically, all you can do is sink in time to even get the answer for them, even with the hint's provided to you.

(1 edit)

Brute force for any puzzle wasn't really my intention when making these puzzles, but some of them may have unintentially ended up being solvable by brute force. If you're struggling with any puzzles, feel free to reach out to me via my website and I can give you a nudge you in the right direction

(1 edit)

Got to puzzle '10' now and I'm not quite understanding the symbols all the way from wires. Went to the puzzlehacker to see if there was something that I was missing and it didn't get me anywhere, thought it had something to do with pigpen with how similar the symbols looked to those but no dice. I'm genuinely stuck at this point, I like puzzle games but I'm not the smartest when it comes to some things.

Also not sure what the first sentence is, spoiler to puzzle↓

The puzzle for which you've sent the screenshot of, you are missing a couple of letters for the top sentence.

As for "10", there are 24 empty spaces, plus 2 letters filled in. That should hopefully clue you in

(1 edit)

I realized I missed the S and I in the screenshot, though now I'm even more confused. I don't know what the opposite of it is, even looking it up isn't getting me anywhere, its either 5 letters or 7 letters, and all the 6 letter words that I can find don't work. I'm lost with that part.

As with '10', I know that the two letters clue into what the symbols they're lined up with, though that doesn't seem to help me with figuring it out. The only thing that seems to line up is that the symbols on the top of the grid all have a dot in the center and the ones on the left don't (Hence me getting that it was linked to pigpen.) Though when I try to see how they are linked with the other symbols it just confuses me more, since they're all rotated and much different than the ones in pigpen that it's a roadblock.

Edit: Also with the 'rotate' puzzle it seems really tedious having to go through so many combinations just to find one or two of the lines having the start of some words but then not working, I've exhausted all the hints for the ones I'm stuck on at this point. not a clue as to what to do.

1) opposite of (to) "contract" (verb), 6 letters 
2) As you've seen with a previous grid puzzle, 26 letters + 10 digits fit nicely into a 6x6. But 26 letters don't fit nicely into a 5x5. So you kind of have to. squeeze it. So every cell is one of 2 letters. the 9th cell shown, is either I or J. So for a 4 cell word, write down those 4 cells (4 letter pairs), and make a 4-letter word out of them. 
3) Rotate puzzle actually shows both correct solutions at once. Note that there aren't that many vowels, and you need at least a couple per word. (hint: try making a word starting with the central S)

(1 edit)

Actually, every cell in the mostly blank grid in "10", with the exception of the one filled in to begin with is just 1 letter

that was an amazing experience
honestly if i couldve paid money for this i wouldve
10/10 i want more tbh 

tho a small thing i kinda noticed towards the end was that some of the puzzles were getting redundant and felt kinda repetitive but other than that its great 

I'm glad you enjoyed the game!

I've been at the fragment puzzle for a solid hour and I've got not a clue what I'm doing wrong..

I even used every combination of parts I could get.

It's a lowercase L not the number 1 in both cases

I hate that 1's and L's look the same, thanks for pointing it out.

(1 edit)

They do look near identical but are slightly different. The top of the lowercase L is flat while the number 1 is slanted.

With hindsight, I do wish I had picked a better font, or even made my own that specifically disambiguated 0 from O, and I from l and 1, specifically to assist with the base 64 puzzles

nice puzzle game, i did every puzzle with no hints and i can confirm that this game is creative and was fun to play through

thanks for playing, i'm glad you enjoyed it!

the end, i must not spoil it but it was something interesting

trying to solve the Blue letters, puzzle, already got one half of it which was the month, but still dont know the other, i figure here would be a good place to ask for help

update: math is wrong for it, not mine, i directly referenced the needed tools, i think you hit the wrong key on accident

try typing it in a different way 

i can confirm that the maths is indeed correct, perhaps you're trying to input a word as opposed to a number

no i was doing a number.  and im fairly certain it sums to 60


doesnt sum to 60

ya did the math wrong man

yeah i just realized that. i am not smart at all.

this is a common thing btw. im sorry about saying it was 60

if you would like to reach out to me through my website, i'd be happy to clear up any confusion you may have

What's the solution to r2c2 of yellow area? I solved everything else and opened all hints but still have no clue.

if you reach out to me via the contact form on my website, i'll be more than happy to give you some extra guidance for that particular puzzle

(1 edit) (+2)

I really don't like the hint system.

On three puzzles I've used it now for all three hints, because I genuinely had no idea where to even start with them, and I sit here for six minutes each only to be frustrated that the hints I got were completely useless and I just had to solve the puzzle on my own anyway.

Like any hint that goes "Decode then rearrange" is a terrible hint because yes, i understand that's how the game works. The part I'm stuck on is I have no idea what you even want me to decode. One of the hints I got was literally just "Trial and error may help" and I'm just like why did i wait two real-life minutes for the game to tell me to just guess the answer to a puzzle I don't understand?

If the hint system was instantaneous or the hints were a lot more useful, I wouldn't have cared enough to leave a comment, but the hints dragging it out so long only for them to not help at all made me so frustrated I had to stop playing and come back to the game later after I cooled off.

Edit: I ended up beating it, and put money in the jar cuz I did mostly like it. I just still really don't like the hint system.


looking back on it, i understand your complaints with the hints system, and i agree. if i were to make an updated version, or if i were to make the game today with the knowledge i had back then, i'd rewrite the hints system entirely to make it more helpful and with less waiting

Is it just me, or would anyone else kill for a mobile version? I just wanna be able to carry this around and mull over a puzzle in my head just to be able to whip out the cypher in question when inspiration strikes. 

Haven't felt this way about a puzzle game since Layton!

some funny thing.

 i open first documetery and i see the symbol.

 and i think .

well, it  look smilar  like compass.

and try to on compass and solve it.

and when i open all yellow dead end and,

why compass aleady solve? wait...?!

I just unlocked the last yellow dead end and had the same reaction. (Btw, do you know the anwser/rule to Evolve (Yellow top right), the hints doesn't help me ?)

Think about how each letter changes from one line to the next

I knew it was that but couldn't get the pattern and even after the guy that made the walkthrough explained it it was still hard to imagine because it's (warning spoiler) a letter loop that doesn't mean anything (and the background is missleading because it's the same as golden spiral)

if you'd like to reach out to me through my website, i'd be happy to give you a little nudge in the right direction

I managed to do it and understand and finish the game

Hello I tried to download the game but it doesnt let me open it on a mac for some reason. Can anyone help me out

(1 edit)

Try downloading the app.

Probably not gonna work but try.

Sorry to hear you've been unable to run the game. I'm not a mac user, so i've not been able to test whether the game functions perfectly on macs.

I'm also sorry to say I don't currently have a solution, but I'm working on finding one right now. Either i'll let you know when i've found a solution to your issue, or someone else who is more informed than me regarding apple technology will be able to solve it before me, in which case they'll deserve both our thanks

Shoutout to Icely for getting me here, and shoutout to EngineerBill for helping me do it in a night with only 3 or 4 in-game hints lol!! 
10/10, would submit to the AI overlords again

Oh, I need to update my profile pic, such is life

(1 edit)

the Linux release is broken since there is only x86 (32-bit)

❯ file ./Krypric_Linux_Data/Plugins/x86/ 
./Krypric_Linux_Data/Plugins/x86/ ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=d430884a7112ba9a3dcea4984fbf3e99196ce52d, with debug_info, not stripped

I don’t know why you need this plugin.

What seemed to be the core issue (at least for me) was that I did not have a 32 bit version of gtk2.0 installed.

For ubuntu based distros, do apt install libgtk2.0-0:i386, for arch (according to this so contributor) do yaourt -S lib32-libgtkhtml

Apologies, i don't use Linux myself, so I wasn't able to make absolutely sure it worked from the moment it was downloaded

Remove the plugin if you can. It should fix the problem.

(1 edit)

At the risk of being all "I just started and I'm stuck"...

What I seem to have open right now are three red dead ends and a blue dead end, and half of "Green Letters".  (But the hints on "Green Letters" only apply to the half of it I've solved.)  What am I missing that would help me progress?

EDIT: never mind; I had the right answer, but was typing it in the wrong format.  (Which feels a little guessing-game-like, not to accept the right answer in a different format, but.)

Yea, the input needing to be specific is one of a number of things that, in hindsight, I wish I'd handled differently, in a more robust way. 

I do hope you're enjoying the game regardless!

i. absolutely. LOVE. this game.

how did i not discover this sooner this was so fun and i wish this was replayable

we need more games like this

Thanks for playing, and I'm glad you enjoyed the game!

proud to say that i am going to speedrun the game :3

where could I contact you, say, if I release it?

You can reach me through my website's contact form


it is now sent & up on youtube! phew...

I really love this game, but some ciphers are just too obscure for me. HARD STUCK at the ‘Wires’ puzzle right now, the hints are useless. Help would be appreciated :(

Hey there! Wonderful to hear you're enjoying the game!

As for one of the puzzles you're stuck on, keep in mind that the game is somewhat non-linear, you might not be able to solve puzzles encountered earlier until you reach some other ones later. Wires is one such example

Thanks for the reply! Your hint was surprisingly helpful - I was going to complain about it at first :D But knowing I didn’t have to solve the puzzle made me look at the deadends again … and it clicked :)

Amazing! It's this blend of hardcore cipher trails and something like Hoshi Saga.

Thank you very much for the kind remarks, and I'm glad you're enjoying it!

This game is so much fun, but I wish there was a walkthrough when I was playing. I've decided to make one in case anyone else gets stuck. This one is just a guide but I'll make the walkthrough soon.

I'm extremely happy that you're enjoying the game, and am completely blown away that you're making a walkthrough as well. I honestly never thought this game would be noticed enough for that. Thank you so much!

I've been playing the game and really enjoying it! (can I have a hint for decoding the symbols in Wires? the ingame ones didn't help much)

lmao half an hour after posting this i made it to 10 and managed to figure it out

Glad to know you're enjoying the game! It's worth mentioning that there is very little linear progression, and some puzzles you can access earlier can only be solved with information from later ones.

im on orbit and i straight up just don't see any of the electrons acting differently?

update: im an idiot and assumed there was gonna be a letter in all rings and didn't think that the "acting differently" was referring to the direction of spinning

This game is cool for cipher tools alone! Really liked Sid Meier's Cover Action cipher sections and as fan of puzzle games was looking for game which used many different ciphers for their puzzles. And this game is ONLY ciphers with weird, but still logical reasoning. Thank you for this project!

thank you very much for the kind comments, and I'm super happy that you enjoy it!

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